Thursday, March 10, 2016



I love to have deep chats with people about Jesus if they are open to it, but tonight it was my husband's turn to help me dissect something that has been whirling around in my head for some time. I love his input because he has such a tender heart for others, as do I, but he just lays things out differently than I.  We were talking about the topic of salvation, repentance and what it means to be a real Christian compared to those who "pretend" to be one.

The term "Christian" is used so flippantly these days, it seems that everyone would categorize themselves as one.  I was reading something a while back saying that 90% of the world is a Christian, and as soon as I read that I instantly disagreed.  Anyone can call themselves a Christian, but it does not mean that they truly are what Christian means..."A Follower of Christ."  I can call myself a lot of things but it in no way qualifies me as such.  I think what drives me crazy is people who go around saying that they love Jesus, yet their life completely contradicts everything that a follower of Christ should represent.  The Bible says that the life of a true believer should produce a fruitful life, meaning that it is not just something they possess inside but their life truly exudes or shines the character of Jesus.  I am in no way the true judge of everyone's heart, but I take God at His Word and if it says a life should produce fruit, something I can see, then I believe just that.  So many references in the Bible talk about being outward about faith in Jesus...."Shine your light before men..." "You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden..." "If you confess me before men, I will confess you before my Father in heaven..." No where have I read to be quiet, hide the fact that you are a follower of Jesus.  I am in no way saying go make a sign and stand on a street corner, I have deep opinions about that, but what I am saying is that your life should not blend in with the rest of the world.  Jesus never blended in with anyone, in fact it was because of what He stood for that would later be the thing that made Him the "most wanted" among the religious leaders.

There are so many people who frankly are "pretending" to be Christians because it seems like the right thing to do, or gives them fire insurance from hell.  As I was studying a bit earlier the verse Matthew 7:14 came to mind: "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only few find it."  What that tells me is that the day when we all stand before the Lord there will be a lot of people who thought they were a "Christian" and will be really surprised when Jesus says "Depart from me, I never knew you." Matthew 7:23 This grieves my heart that anyone would spend eternity away from the presence of the Lord, but it is the truth.

The heart of God is one that longs to bless, longs to love, longs to give life and freedom...but it only comes to a life that is fully surrendered and obedient to the Lord.  It is one that runs away from a life of sin, and longs to flourish and grow in a life rooted in who He is.  The quote above is so true, God cannot bless a person who is just pretending to be in a relationship with Him, you're either in or out of one.  Going to church is good, but it does not make you a Jesus follower it just helps keep you accountable and in a place of growth.  Reading the Bible does not do it unless your life reflects what you intake from it.  Praying is great but if it is only one sided of a person shouting their demands at God instead of taking the time to thank Him for all He has done, and letting Him talk back once in is a pretty one sided relationship.  Being a "Christian" or a follower of Christ is more than a religious check list, it is a true is one of deepest awe and respect for who He is.  It is a life that reflects all that Christ embodies.  The Lord will bless a person who is authentic, one that has a humble heart, one that longs to have His heart, one that strips down to the core and is just real about who they are and comes in all their brokenness.

I do not want to pretend to be anything I am not, nor do I want to stand before the Lord one day and not know for sure that I will hear "Well done good and faithful servant, enter into my Father's rest."  I want to be the real deal even if that leaves me lonely like John the Baptist lol, but you get my drift.  The way our world is going it seems that the Lord coming back seems nearer and nearer...there is no time to pretend, the world needs Him more now than ever before.  It is time that people are either in or out...not in the quiet middle.

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