All my life since before I can even remember, I have always been the girl who cared about what other people thought about me. I mean honestly who doesn't want to be liked, but it has been a thorn in my side. This thorn, has brought me to the realization that I may not always be everyones cup of tea. I may not be the girl that every one would pick to have as a friend and it is in the raw truth of life when it's ugly head is reared, and so do my insecurities. It is in those times that all truth flies out the window and you start to believe the lies, lies that either you have come up with on your own of not being good enough, feeling worthy enough, or the lies that the enemy is so quick to whisper to you and jump on your thought train headed for self destruction. If we were truly honest with ourselves, we would say that it is so much easier to believe the lies than it is to believe the truth about who we are. See this is what I do not understand, why is it so easy for me to believe the lies from the very one who hates me instead of the One who created me? The One who spoke life into my very being, the One who created me with specific gifts and talents, the One who sent His Son to die on my behalf because He could not stand being separated from me for all eternity? It literally makes no sense, yet like the dumb sheep that I am, I listen to the voice of the enemy and others around me, and that is how I gage my worth. I know that as I write I am not the only one who struggles with this, I am just one who is writing it on paper...we altogether forget how priceless we are. In thinking about this it brought back a song that Amy Grant (anyone know who she is?) sings, and I have loved it since I was a little girl. It goes like this..."I may not be every mother's dream for her little girl, and my face may not grace the mind of every one in the world, but that's alright as long as I can have one wish I pray, when people look inside my life, I want to hear them say, she's got her Father's eyes...eyes full of compassion, seeing every pain, knowing what their going through and feeling it the same..."
That really is my prayer, to see others how God sees them, yes even the ones who are not very nice to me or do not like me, as hard as that is. The truth of not being everyones cup of tea seems to fade into the background when I look at it with His eyes and not my fleshly ones. It really does not matter in the long scheme of things if people like you, approve of you, or affirm your worth. Our souls were designed to have the approval of our Creator, He alone can put a price on the very thing that He designed and created. Compliments, encouragement and being loved by others is invaluable if you have it, BUT it is not a long term satisfaction, in fact it leaves you hungry for more. The truth is that I am God's cup of tea, He has chosen me, and I am invaluable to Him. Now the truth has surfaced yet again, my head needs to convince my heart of this truth and all will be well!!
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